About me

Home life when I was young was stressful and sometimes scary. I turned to food as a way to cope and self-soothe. Tasty cakes were my BFF & feeling of comfort. You know… the sticky buns, oatmeal cream pies, the little brownies with the sprinkles on them. Hell, I’d even it the zebra cakes or those god-awful Christmas tree cakes if I got desperate enough. Which I did, often. This led to a lot of emotional eating and binge eating. In 8th grade, I started being bullied for being a chubby kid & was given the name Kimmy Kimmy Cupcake.

By 9th grade when I entered high school I developed disordered eating with anorexic tendencies. I really just ate dinner so my mom wouldn’t suspect much. I lost about 25lbs in 3 months. THEN I was bullied for having an eating disorder. Man, these girls were never happy with me. This went on throughout all of high school, binging & obsessive restrictions. Fast forward to my mid-twenties, when I finally started to heal my relationship with food, and myself. Binge eating to alleviate emotional pain was a trauma habit of mine and breaking this habit & making new ones was no easy feat. It takes time & I failed … a lot, but I failed forward. I made Pinterest boards of “clean eating”.  I started buying my own food instead of eating what my mom made. I started exploring & self-studying nutrition. I didn’t know what it was called at the time but I began eating a macrobiotic diet, which led to eating satiating nutrient-dense meals without counting calories. For the first time not only was I maintaining my weight, but I felt alive &  strong.

As I turned the corner around 30, things started to change. My energy TANKED. I was gaining weight, though I was doing all the same/right things. I had brain fog…words always on the tip of my tongue/can’t remember what I walked into a room to grab. My digestion was out of wack..bloating and going days without a bowel movement. I felt gross & lethargic. I wanted to change, but I couldn’t find the energy…I felt so unmotivated and uninspired. I didn’t have any energy to work out harder, and I knew better than to start restricting calories and get myself into trouble with disordered eating again. This is when I found and enrolled in the Institute of Integrative Nutrition. I wanted to learn how to heal myself and these new issues entering 30. What I learned changed my life so dramatically that I felt I would be doing every woman a disservice if I did not share the information I learned. 

When you bring these symptoms to your doctor, you likely get dismissal prognoses of “You’re just getting older”, “This is just what happens”, and “Well, your labs are fine so it must be in your head” which is absolutely BS.

Women are not little men, but most Western medicine treats us as such. We are cyclical beings, meaning we have phases that cycle. Men are like the sun; they are on a 24-hour loop of testosterone. Women are like the moon; we are on a 28-day (give or take) cycle with multiple phases. Each phase changes our dominant hormone at the time. These hormonal shifts change the way our brains work, our energy, metabolic needs, and resiliency to stress and other stimuli. We are not taught how to tap into and feed our divine femininity to find homeostasis within ourselves and stop looking for outside validation for happiness & stability. And no one, man or woman, is taught how to heal through natural remedies and rituals. We are just pushed prescriptions that don’t cure, only dampen our symptoms.

So, Wellbeing By Kimberly was born.